Rich Romance#80

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12 Red Rose and stylish greens bouquet

Is your special someone's birthday coming up?
Or maybe you just want to show them how much you care? Either way, our 12 Red Rose and stylish greens bouquet is the perfect way to show your affection. Our expert florists hand-pick the freshest roses and greens, so you can be sure your bouquet will stay beautiful for days.
Here are just a few reasons why this bouquet is the perfect way to show your loved one how much you care:
- The 12 red roses represent true love and admiration, making this bouquet perfect for anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or any special occasion.
- The stylish greens add a touch of elegance, making this bouquet suitable for gifting on any occasion.
- Our expert florists hand-pick and arrange each bouquet with care, so you can be sure your loved one will receive a beautiful and fresh arrangement.

Your purchases include a complementary message card.

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